Book review: we told six lies Victoria Scott

We Told Six Lies - Victoria Scott

May 25-29
Remember how many lies we told, Molly? It’s enough to make my head spin. You were wild when I met you, and I was mad for you. But then something happened. And now you’re gone. 

But don’t worry. I’ll find you. I just need to sift through the story of us to get to where you might be. I’ve got places to look, and a list of names. 

The police have a list of names, too. See now? There’s another lie. There is only one person they’re really looking at, Molly. 

And that’s yours truly.

Review : this book was fucking crazy and I loved it it's about a boy and girl who tell lies but then the girl goes missing. Its told in three POV then ,now and molly . We are to believe that molly ran away but Cobain doesn't believe that he believes she was taken and he has suspects. Molly was taken by a man who makes her call him blue he has a mask and she's trying to manipulate him to let her go . No one believes Cobain when they think she was taken not even his brother who is coming around more often than usual. In the then part we learn molly's dad con some people and got someone to kill himself and now hes in jail . I had some guesses on who took molly but I figured it out early on but I needed to know why. Cobain is finally taken in by the police they believe he took molly but he escapes and calls his brother then it hits him hes not there his brother holt died he killed him and it's just his mind playing tricks on him . He calls his mom and she explains he didn't kill him holt was unwell so they sent him away . Holt took molly I so guessed that Cobain was talking to himself . Holt had issues and his parents sent him away after he tired to hurt Cobain. Cobain finds molly and holt and so do the police . This book was so crazy I loved it