Book review : Noragami vol 4

April 19-20
Though a powerful warrior goddess, Bishamonten suffers from taking on so many shinki. Among Bishamon’s many shinki, a terrible plan is formed by one of her most trusted aides. This shinki has dangerous ideas and gets involved with the mysterious Stray. Kazuma has a sense that something is wrong, but can he figure out what exactly is going on? Meanwhile, Hiyori desperately wants Yato to fix her, but he is presented with a solution that is hard to accept. Will Yato fix Hiyori, even if it means he’d have to cut all ties with her?
Review - I loved this one Yato is trying to cut ties with Hiyori because of the accident and she keeps falling out of her body but it's not working out very well cause yukine is getting attached to Hiyori and is afraid one day that she will forget him . Bishama is collecting shinki she does care to save people . One of her Shinki blighted her cause she was being mean and wants Bishama to like her . There is a new character a medicine man who wants to get rid of Bishama . Yukine meets another shinki and they sort of become friends but then something bad happens to him there was a lot of character development in this one and I loved how Yato was stalking Hiyori on twitter .