Book review : the Assassin and the healer by Sarah J. Mass

The Assassin and the Healer - Sarah J. Maas

August 27-30

Meet the Assassin: beautiful, defiant, destined for greatness. Celaena Sardothien has challenged her master. Now she must pay the price. Her journey to the Red Desert will be an arduous one, but it may change the fate of her cursed world forever..

Review- Celena meets a healer Irvine after being punished after the pirate fiasco and she has no idea what's happened to Sam but at this inn she meets Irvine who is a healer I loved this story it was more interesting hearing about the healer and Irvine's mother was killed and saved Irvine . Ivrine was attacked and Celena saved her and then taught her how to fight which she ends up having to use when one of the guys comes back but she faught well . Celena left Irvine money so she could go anywhere this was an interesting story I enjoyed it .And of course Celena was a bassass fighting all those men .

“The girl wore her scars the way some women wore their finest jewelry.”

Let me give you a bit of advice.' the girl said bitterly, 'from one working girl to another; life isn't easy, no matter where you are. You'll make choices you think are right and then suffer for them.' Those remarkable eyes flickered. 'So if you're going to be miserable, you might as well go to Antica and be miserable in the shadow of the Torre Cesme.”